WB Leagues Races Hot Up

For many years the Waikato-Bays region has run League competitions for Intermediate and Junior players. Following the model of the Covid-disrupted Judith Howard League of 2020 the WBRC has started up a third league - the Open Restricted competition aimed at retaining the tournament attendance of newly-turned Open players who mostly find that having to swim with The Big Fish can be quite off-putting. The prize list is ring-fenced off from anyone above the rank of National Master.

The aim of all three leagues has been to encourage tournament participation by offering fairly large (by bridge standards) cash prizes for the top ten finishers in each League. With the Rotorua 5A recently finished now is a good time to check out the current standings.

Karen Martelletti

The sudden death of a veritable giant in the administration of our game has caught the bridge world by surprise. With tributes flowing in it is hard to know where to start in eulogising Karen's contribution over many years. There can't be many who have not heard her name or know of her enthusiastic involvement: her output was colossal. One of the contributors to this article was at a sizeable tournament in Kaikoura when the news was broken to the room. Everybody stood for a moment's silent remembrance - a rare occasion at a tournament so far away but one sure to be repeated in clubrooms around the country in the week to come.

Allan Morris, chair of the Board on which Karen was a sitting member, has made a brief announcement which can be read by clicking here.

And Richard Solomon (Major Events and Education) has completed a heart-felt obituary for Karen which is well worth a read for her background in our game.

What's Happening in June

Whats happening in JuneWhats happening in June=Our Regional Bridge Mate, Eunice Eccles, is compiling a series on monthly events in 2021. There's so much on that you're finding it a little hard to read this then you can download the pdf attached below.

NZB Board Election Results

Congratulations to Karen Martelletti and Anna Kalma of our region who, along with Sam Coutts of Dunedin and John Skipper of Christchurch have been elected to the Board of NZ Bridge. It was re-election in the case of Karen and John who are current members. We wish them all the best.

Change of Venue for Te Aroha WAPs

It has become necessary to switch the March and May venues for the second and fourth WAP rounds. The next one on 28th of March will now be held at Cambridge and the 23rd of May one will take place at Te Aroha. Pre-entry is requested for the Te Aroha event.

Letters from The Chair #9 - as at 7-Dec

Allan Morris writes of how the Board is proceeding into the new year.

Click on any attachment below to read all about it. These letters are filed in dropbox/Waikato-Bays Clubs Info.

The IP's in Wellington

Our TeamOur TeamWelcome back to members of our Waikato team that contested the 2020 Inter-Provincials in Wellington. No doubt readers followed the coverage through the many other channels that provided it. Auckland cleaned up big time in the Open section with a dream team that would not shame the country at a world-class event - Waikato finishing in midfield fourth out of seven. The Seniors and the Intermediates appear to have been unduly victimised with little respect shown to their undoubted talents but the huge success story of a long weekend was the Women's team of Christine and Jenna Gibbons, Karen Martelletti and Kate Terry who won their section. Due to the late withdrawal of Judy Pawson, Karen played - having also to shoulder the role of chef-de-mission. Well done Ladies!

A Busy Weekend

The Taupo 8B held on Saturday 17th was also the third leg of the Judith Howard League. The ladder was a little delayed but it is showing a clear leader in Graham Young of Tauranga. Graham has scored the maximum seven points in two of the three rounds. With the final leg to take place on the Saturday of Hamilton's Labour Weekend Congress it really is Graham's to lose.

Sabrina, Ted, and CarolSabrina, Ted, and CarolAnd on Sunday 18th the Waikato-Bays Intermediate League was finalised in a three-way tie for first .. all players belonging to the Thames club. Having led for the four previous sessions Carol Crowfoot and Sabrina Peters had given up hope after a couple of poor results at Cambridge. Happily for them they had enough lead to keep clubmate Ted Cliffin at bay - just. The results summary is here.

Tom Winiata - gentleman and card shark

Updated with funeral service information.

The Waikato Bays committee and wider bridge community were sad to hear about the passing of Tom Winiata after a short illness.

Tom Winiata: Tom Winiata (left) alongside regular partner Tom HenwoodTom Winiata: Tom Winiata (left) alongside regular partner Tom Henwood

2020 Waikato-Bays Junior League Decided

What was intended to be a six-round contest of the Junior was, because of Covid, cut to just three rounds in 2020. The series was wrapped up emphatically at Te Awamutu on Sunday 11-Oct by Joy Williams and Michele Liddle. This pair scored the maximum possible eight points in two of the three events. Awards were presented on behalf of the Regional Committee by Michael Neels. Click here to see full detail of the ladder.

Joy, Michael, MicheleJoy, Michael, Michele

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