Tournament Entry Procedure

Quick Start User Guide

  1. Log in to the NZ Bridge site. NB - if this is your first time you will have to register with NZ Bridge - right-hand side of the Log In page - just a one-off procedure
  2. Search NZB Tournaments for the event you wish to enter. Use the filters - Club Name or Region to make your search easier
  3. If you want to learn more about the event before entering, do not click on the ENTER HERE button to the right of the event's name. Instead, click on the event name itself where you may read the details and see a list of who's already entered. Beside the tournament name at the top, you will find an ENTER HERE link
  4. Make your entry. You may also enter for non-registered team mates and partners but they will not get the confirmation emails which are sent to all registered entrants
  5. If you need help there are a couple of videos in this link that may also help
  6. If you now wish to check your entry, go to MY NZB and scroll down to the EVENT ENTRIES section of that page

The Waikato-Bays region has been noted for innovation and progress. Carrying this grand tradition forward, we're moving to a new model of streamlined tournament entry. With the exception of certain special events played at various clubs in our region - eg the The TWITs - which may require entry on the host club websites, your committee encourages everyone, particularly Tournament Secretaries, to buy into the following strategy:

  • Entries for all tournaments should now be made on the NZ Bridge site
  • The attendees themselves are exhorted to make this effort: it's simpler than writing an e-mail when you get used to it
  • Should entries be accepted off-line we ask that the Tournament Secretary take a moment to post them on the NZB site him/herself. It's not only quick and easy but also a spur to asking the attendees themselves to do it
  • This means that ALL entries can be seen in one place on-line by everyone, particularly the Tournament Secretary (a single definitive exportable list), the Scorer (for purposes of creating a pre-entry file) and the Treasurer who can flag (very visibly) those who have paid upfront ... but not least by the entrants themselves giving rise one day to the policy:
  • If your entry is not showing on-line then you're NOT entered in the tournament.
  • All submitted WB tournament posters are to be available on this WB site - click the big blue button on the right to see our Virtual Noticeboard
  • To close the loop we would very much appreciate clubs and Tournament Secretaries filing (Save As)-ing their posters in the Dropbox/Waikato-Bays Clubs Info/Tournament Posters folder to which all clubs have been invited - talk to WB Secretary if you need another invitation)

If we can get everyone, particularly all Tournament Secretaries, to buy into this policy our Region can take another step forward for Bridge in New Zealand whilst supporting the efforts of the Board in providing this facility.

Special Notes for Club Administrators in setting up their tournaments
The good news: - they're already set up. All you need do as a minimum is log in as administrator, tick the On-line Booking box and specify the maximum number of entries you can take.

But wait - there's more you could do Check out the Cambridge Sixes (Open section) for a model. It's got:

  • Location information
  • Start time
  • Catering information
  • Entry price
  • Payment option
  • General blurb
  • Link to the ENTER box
  • You can even paste your poster here

On your home club website under the tournament tab you can now display just the one page (instead of setting up ALL those tedious tournaments) that says something like:

This club is now taking entries for all its tournaments on the new NZB site. You can click here to view our listings but will need to first log in to NZB to proceed with making your entries. To be able to log in you must first have registered your email address with NZB. This is quick and easy to do, being an option on the log-in screen.

You can put in links to a filtered list of your club's tournaments as per this tip.

If you actually like setting up ALL those tedious tournaments in your club programme then they can look like this:

Venue: the SIR DON ROWLANDS Centre at Lake Karapiro. $3000 in prizes. Fabulous raffles! Fantastic catered lunch. If you play only one tournament this year, make sure it's this one. Please enter on the NZB site at ... which points to that specific tournament listing on the NZB site. See this tip