News From The Chair #1 in 2022

Nice newsy new newsletter to start 2022 off. On the new stationery too. Written on the cusp of the Omicron wave breaking .. which way will the catfish jump? Outlook for Congress. Good works from Sonya - great ideas. And much more ...

Click the attachments below to download any of NZB Chair Allan Morris' Letters for 2022. These documents of inestimable worth are filed in dropbox/Waikato-Bays Clubs Info/Letters from the Chair.

All the best for the new year everyone ...

Letters From The Chair in 2021

Allan Morris writes of his view of things from the Chair of NZB. He addresses several topics including online play, initiatives the Board is undertaking, new appointments, Teams successes and selections, sponsorship, the IP's and the Babich.

Click on any attachment below to read all about it. These letters are filed in dropbox/Waikato-Bays Clubs Info.

Dates and Times for Waikato BBO Sessions

The Waikato BBO Sessions have been re-branded as the NZX Club sessions and are now homed on the X-Clubs website. By curious co-incidence that is also where the results will now be posted shortly after each session ends. At around 5:30 and 11pm each weekday, results for all clubs that play these same hands get scored across the field and posted. Our NZX Club BBO sessions will be included.

Advisory #19 from the Board

Click on the attachment below to download the Board's latest review of the Covid situation. Chairman Allan Morris has a feeling 90+% of bridge players will have had at least one jab and is seeking some hard data from clubs to determine the Board's policy should vaccination certificates appear. Will clubs then be able to mandate that attendees must be vaccinated? It's fascinating watching how the picture changes from week to week. Now it seems the strategy is shifting from elimination of the virus to finding ways of living with it.

WBRC Urges Clubs Not To Hold Tournaments Under Level 2

During the WBRC meeting on Monday 20 September, the level 2 bridge playing situation was discussed.

Last week a meeting between the clubs seeking clarification / guidelines in addition to the NZB advisories, was also held. The participating clubs were seeking for more direct instructions from NZB in regards to the playing conditions and we are awaiting a response.

To state the WBRC position, we strongly discourage clubs from holding tournaments under level 2 conditions

Congress Postponed

In a nutshell .. as with the Olympics the 2021 Congress is to be moved to the following year. It is now scheduled for 10th to 17th February 2022. Announcement in the attachment below and further detail has been subsequently published on NZB.

We Have A Winner!

The national competition (known as the Dan Gifford Rubber), is contested annually by one pair from each Region competing for a very attractive prize pool. All Regions run their own qualifying knock-out rounds to decide who is to represent them. Congratulations to Jo and Sam Simpson from Tauranga Bridge Club who won in a cliff-hanger against Brian Gallaher and Brian Sullivan from Waikato Bridge Club. Caught accidentally in the background of Sam & Jo's photo is Rona Driscoll who organises the Rubber Bridge for our region: many thanks to her.

Jo writes: We are delighted to once again represent Waikato Bays for the Dan Gifford Rubber Bridge competition at NZ congress.

WB rubber bridge final

The Waikato Bays rubber bridge competition is drawing to a close. Good luck to the finalists Jo & Sam Simpson from Tauranga Club and Brian Gallaher and Brian Sullivan from Waikato Club. The winner will be representing us in the Dan Gifford Rubber Bridge Competition at National Congress.

Waikato Bays IP Team Awarded PUB CHARITY Grant

The Waikato Bays Regional Committee applied to Pub Charity Ltd for funding to assist our Inter-Provincial representative team with accommodation during the Inter Provincial Championship in Auckland at the end of the year.

We are very pleased to announce that our application for 2021 was again successful. We received $4408.70 which is the full amount we applied for.

Spa Town Teams and Directors Seminar

Due to the Wellington lockdown the Spa Town Teams will allow only players from level 1 areas.

This not only excludes the players from the Wellington Region, but also precludes Allan Joseph from directing the event. Consequently, Allan's Directors Seminar scheduled for the following day, 27 June, is cancelled.

Jan Spaans
WBRC Secretary

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