Roundup - Week 46

T'is the season of AGM's at many clubs around the region. The changing of the guard and much reshuffling of portfolios, etc - you know the drill. Elections at such events are rare these days; most clubs seeking to inveigle new blood onto their committees. And there's noting wrong with that - new blood often brings new ideas. There are many talented people amongst our learners - people with skills in a great many fields other than bridge. What do you need to know about bridge to help run a club? Not much, really, but exposure to the odd back-room questions of policy and administration can be valuable background to someone coming in fresh.

Those on committees are often seen by other club members as being "responsible" for doing stuff but that should be no excuse for others to sit back and enjoy the ride. There are always plenty of opportunities to help out with mundanities. That's what makes a club feel like a club when everyone pitches in. Please be sure to support your new committee in any way possible.

You got the homily this week because, distressingly, there was very little new on any of the region's websites. While this is usually the case with one or two die-hards that have seldom if ever had a mention in this series of roundups, most are very good at keeping their front pages ticking over with news, views, and happenings. These websites can be a hub of interest to a vibrant club as well as the world's window on YOU. (Well - I look at them every week!)

Durn! - subtracted myself with yet another homily. I'm get as bad as Mike Hosking. Let me finish this section by saying that, as the news dries up for end-of-year so, similarly, will this series of round-ups until there comes some more material to report.

We finish with the one article of fresh news (apart from a subsidiary report on the Cambridge site - perhaps a model of the sort of joy that can be spread through websites) all about the Te Awamutu Xmas Party which was by all accounts a great success. Good on you T/A!!

Keen Smiles

oh - and - something of moment this coming weekend - the InterProvincials are being held in Dunedin. You can follow the progress of our four teams here.